The Mistake Made With Dazzling Opportunities | Decision-Making
Updated: Dec 2
Bitesize Inspiration
At times, opportunities can present themselves with dazzle/excitement due to the possibility of it bringing you more fame, more money, it being a dream of yours and so on.
This opportunity seems too good to bypass.
You feel blinded by the shine resulting from the beautiful light, i.e. what this opportunity entails.
At this point, don't make the mistake of accepting this opportunity blindly due to the enticing shine.
Rather, take it easy, calm down and think logically/rationally for your decision-making. Here are 3 key steps to help you do that.
1. Weigh up the pros and cons
2. Check (reflect) whether this opportunity is going to help you actualise your visions/achieve your goals faster than the current great action plan you already have, even though this plan, at times, may feel a bit boring to do or is a bit of a grind.
3. You may consult people who can provide you with valuable advice such as individuals who are qualified, experienced, knowledgeable and wise in the industry/field/area pertaining to your vision and goal.
After implementing the aforementioned steps, you can now realistically ascertain whether taking on the opportunity completely at this point in your life is a better option for you or not.
It may be that you can accept/take on part of this opportunity as an addition to your initial, main, action plan.
Or it may be that currently taking on this opportunity would be premature. In other words, by undertaking this opportunity now, you are bound to take the longer route in achieving your goal. You may not even achieve it at all due to losing credibility or other harms you’re likely to suffer. On top of that, it may very well cause you to be impacted negatively in terms of your Ākhira.
Moreover, at this point it may be praiseworthy to do the sunnah of istikhārā prayer regarding your decision.
‘...Then when you have taken a decision, rely upon Allāh. Certainly, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].’ [Al-Qur’ān, 3:159]